Standing Tall

The musings of a twenty something girl from the Midwest.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dana Time!

As per my usual post-night shift day I was only able to sleep until 1pm. Didn't matter too much because I was planning on getting up around 2pm because I have a girl-date with Dana!

Dana (pictured right holding my crap on my wedding day) and I met our sophomore year of college. I think we were a psych or philosophy class, I don't really remember. I do remember calling her DEEna for a year and she let me because she thought that was the way I said her name. It took multiple other people to tell me that her name was Dana and me asked her how people said her name before I changed. Even when I asked her she said "Most people call me Dana" which is really nice of her to say because all people call her Dana because that is her name. I was just the weird one.

Dana and I have stayed friends for the last five years, visiting each other, talking on the phone. I think this will be the first time in five years that just the two of us are hanging out. I am totally pumped!


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