Standing Tall

The musings of a twenty something girl from the Midwest.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Cinco De Mayo

Three years ago on this day my fellow future nurses from Winona State University received our nursing pins that proceeded to drive to the bars and drink until we all started to cry that “This is the last night we’ll all be together”. Cinco de Mayo, for us, was a day to celebrate our independence from school and the stress of being a nursing student. It seemed cheesy at the time and we all promised that we would still see each other all the time but looking back at it now, it was the last time that we were all together.

Casey moved to Portland the next day, Dana and Becca moved to Chicago about a month after, and I left for Boston not long after that. Aaron got engaged and married and we all learned how difficult is to work full time and fly to the opposite side of the country to see each other.

Before we left Rochester we all promised that we would meet up somewhere every year for Cinco De Mayo to celebrate the day we finished school. That didn’t last long. The first year Becca and Dana came to Boston to visit but it wasn’t the same as when we were in school. The last year and this year Cinco De Mayo comes and goes with just a phone call between us all.

So tonight I drink my margarita to my close friends who got me through patho tests and heart breaks. Who helped me move into my apartment and danced to music from our car stereo in parking lots.

My ping-tingers.


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