Standing Tall

The musings of a twenty something girl from the Midwest.

Friday, April 06, 2007


I haven’t posted in a while but I’ve been busy.

It’s all about sneaking picture taking in at the MFA.
My sister was in town the beginning of this week. We made our way though Boston trying to make the most of the cold and rainy weather. We ate out a lot and I found a few new, and very tasty, restaurants. She left on Thursday then later that day my cousin and his son came into town to see Paul and The Grownup Noise rock the Paradise. I spent today walking around Boston with them.

It was funny to see how excited a five year old can get about getting to ride the T. When told we would have to take two different trains because we had to transfer to get back home he shouted “It’s my lucky day!”

This week has been filled with family and it was about time I saw some familiar faces in Bean-town.


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