Standing Tall

The musings of a twenty something girl from the Midwest.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Leaves

Now that I live in the New England area people keep saying "Oh, now you can go see the leaves." I assume they mean see them as they change colors for autumn. I always find this an odd comment because I lived in Winona for years and every year saw the leaves on the bluffs change bright yellows, reds, and oranges.

Needless to say I've seen leaves. In fact, I've seen them change almost 22 times. I have a friend from Texas who never has seen leaves change in the fall time. So for her "seeing the leaves" would be a novelty.

The fact that I don't have a car and I work all the time has really hindered my leave seeing. This last weekend Steve was determined to see the leaves. We woke up Sunday morning with the sun shining in the window. It was our chance to seize the day and see colors. By the time we got ready to go a slow rain had started.

I still haven't seen the leaves.


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