Standing Tall

The musings of a twenty something girl from the Midwest.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Why I Love the Grocery Store

When I was a kid my dad worked second shift and would have most of the morning off to take care of my sister and me. One activity I always loved was going grocery shopping with him. We would sit in the cart as he went up and down every aisle getting food that was on sale, he had a coupon for or we needed. At the end of the shopping trip we would sit at the bakery and he would buy us each a glazed doughnut and go over his list to make sure he had gotten everything we needed for the week.

I still like grocery shopping, even though I don’t get a doughnut. It’s not the same to go by myself and try to carry my heavy basket.

This week when I was grocery shopping I got excited about the large stock of Shaw’s pizza. A few times I have tried to buy generic pizza and there are none left, but this day the pizzas were plentiful and I pulled three out of the deep freeze. I tried to balance them on top of an already full basket. One fell out and almost made an elderly lady fall. “I am so sorry” I apologized.

“I’ve never had a pizza fall at my feet before” she exclaimed before she went to buy egos. This woman reminded me of why I love the grocery store.


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